Courts and Legal Offices Electronics Recycling

And Industry Leading Data Destruction

Courts and Law Offices nationwide have moved from paper to digital records, making laptops, iPhones, and tablets a required tool in the modern court of law or attorney's office. More over, this reliance on technology has increased the potential liability associated with secure data destruction and proper e-waste disposal. Protecting sensitive data is an important aspect of the legal profession and a role STS Electronic Recycling, Inc. is uniquely suited to fill. Not only capable of compliant and secure data destruction, STS provides convenient timely solutions applicable to the entire IT Management Cycle.

Law Office Electronics

Legal Office Electronics Liquidation and ITAD

Legal Industry professionals require an enterprise solution to e-waste liquidation or IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) that matches an accelerating IT Asset Management and Refresh cycle. From reverse logistics to transparent and accurate reporting, STS Electronics Recycling has exactly the services required. Best of all, STS can provide a tangible and substantial impact on the bottom line of IT Departments that take action before the value of their assets depreciate.

Why do courts and Legal Offices need compliant and reliable electroincs and computer recycling?

Courts and legal offices need reliable and compliant electronics recycling services for several reasons.

Firstly, courts and legal offices handle sensitive information and data, such as personal identification numbers, financial records, and confidential legal documents. Reliable and compliant electronics recycling services ensure that this information is securely erased from electronic devices before they are recycled, disposed or resold. This ensures that personal and confidential information is not compromised and helps to protect the privacy of individuals.

Secondly, courts and legal offices are subject to strict regulations and laws regarding the disposal of electronic waste. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) are two examples of regulations that may apply to courts and legal offices. Reliable and compliant electronics recycling services ensure that courts and legal offices are in compliance with these regulations, which can help to avoid penalties and fines.

Thirdly, courts and legal offices have a responsibility to protect the environment and promote sustainability. Electronic waste contains hazardous materials that can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. Reliable and compliant electronics recycling services ensure that electronic waste is disposed of in an environmentally-friendly manner and that valuable materials are recovered and recycled.

Finally, reliable and compliant electronics recycling services can help courts and legal offices to save money by properly disposing of old and unused electronic devices, and then buying refurbished computers and thereby avoid having to purchase new equipment. In addition, it can help them to effectively manage their IT assets and make better decisions about when to upgrade or replace equipment.

In summary, reliable and compliant electronics recycling services are essential for courts and legal offices as they help them comply with regulations, secure data, protect the environment, avoid penalties and fines, save costs and effectively manage IT assets. There are many reputable providers who offer such services, such as e-waste recycling companies, IT asset disposition providers, and some specialized IT recycling companies.

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Our Expertise

We are experts at secure legal and court related e-waste and electronics recycling and disposal.

You need a company who understands the requirements of the job. You need STS Electronic Recycling, Inc.

Data Protection

STS provides its clients unbeatable and compliant data protection. Our Mobile Shredding Trucks bring the convenience of total physical destruction to your doorstep.

Asset Liquidation

STS can offer you fair market value on your IT Assets that have not lost the majority of their value due to their age or condition.

On-Site Pick-up

Our most popular service is our complimentary on-site pick-up. Our trucks are always in the area, and our trained technicians handle all the heavy lifting.

Audited Downstream

STS has built a network of certified downstream partners and recyclers who we regularly audit to ensure no electronics ever wind up in a landfill.

Live Tracking

Our fleet of secured box trucks are monitored by GPS tracking devices at all times, providing a provable and transparent chain of custody.

On-time reporting

STS will provide your team with prompt and complete reporting on the items we process from your business.


STS protects your business from the potential liability and expense associated with e-waste disposal and recycling, all while promoting good corporate citizenship.

STS Electronic Recycling, Inc. is leading the way to a green, safe future. We allow businesses and organizations a way to safely recycle unwanted, non-working and out-of-date computer equipment while giving back to their global and local communities.

Your equipment is safe with us

Your company can rest easy, knowing that STS is protecting your business, agency or organization from the potential liability associated with e-waste disposal and data destruction. STS provides a transparent and trackable solution with in-depth reporting and can tell you the final destination, or End of Life, of every item or asset we recycle, include Certificates of Destruction for all data bearing devices.<br><br>

You don’t have to lift a finger

You call us, we take care of the rest. We are a full-service electronics recycler with solutions for every customer. We come to you, we do all the heavy lifting. From computers, laptops and mobile devices, to servers, networking equipment, peripherals and telecom equipment, we have got you covered.


AuditLive is our asset auditing, tracking and check-in, check-out inventory management system. Tracking and auditing assets as we recover them makes the IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) process more accurate and more secure, which means our customers know the exact value of every asset.  

You get value for your valuable equipment

We are always looking to improve our customers bottom line in the form of a fair market value quote on equipment that is still in good working condition. Our computer liquidation and ITAD service is unmatched. STS can audit your equipment item by item and pay you based on the result of that audit.

About STS Electronic Recycling

STS Electronic Recycling, Inc., an a EPA Compliant IT Asset Disposal Service Provider and Recycler based in Jacksonville, Texas, provides free computer, laptop and tablet recycling as well as computer liquidation and ITAD services to businesses across the United States. R2v3 Certified Electronics Recycler Profile


TIPS Coop Awarded Vendor Profile